Climate response

In the PM Independent, July 28, Ms Drusilla Megget made comment on “Barnaby Joyce’s so called expert, Dr David Archibald” and continued on with naming him as CEO of many oil and mineral exploration companies and then indicates that it was all about self interest and rent seeking.
Dr David Archibald has this response to a similar accusation: “Oh ye of little faith! Drink deeply from this well of knowledge — my lectures this year at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school in Washington for the CIA and State Department”.
Click on the symbol in the text to see his Power Point presentations:,
From the Lavoisier Society website: “David Archibald is a Perth, Australia-based scientist operating in the fields of cancer research, oil exploration and climate science. After graduating in science at Queensland University in 1979, Mr Archibald worked in oil exploration in Sydney and then joined the financial industry as a stock analyst. Mr Archibald has been CEO of multiple oil and mineral exploration companies operating in Australia. He has published a number of papers on the solar influence on climate, and is a director of the Lavoisier Society, a group of Australians promoting rational science in public policy.”
Possibly Dr Archibald’s greatest sin in the eyes of the climate change believers is that he is a sceptic and a director of the Lavoisier Society.
The opposite of “sceptic” is “gullible”.
Scientists have to eat, raise families, pay bills just like the rest of us, and unless you’re on the public teat like a lot of Australian climate scientists, you have to take positions that support your livelihood.
Here’s a little test to see how much you know about climate change:, this site is a good source of science references.
Should be something to see if the members of new group Mid-North Coast Climate Alliance could get 10 out of 10 correct first time.

Geoff Hutchesson,
Bonny Hills

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