Clubs rally on hold

‘Clubs in the Community Rally’ Sunday September 11- Panthers Port.
I wish to advise the postponement of this community rally relating to proposed gambling reforms currently being considered by the Federal Government.
This rally was jointly planned by Laurieton United Services Club, Port City Bowling Club, Panthers Port Macquarie and The Westport Club. It was hoped that at this rally we could identify for politicians the devastation that this reform will cause to your club and the community.
It is crucial that our Federal Member for Lyne, Rob Oakeshott, be present to let him know first hand how this will impact our community.
We apologise for any inconvenience this postponement may have caused but due to the unavailability of Rob Oakeshott MP on this date we have no option but to defer the rally. We are currently negotiating a future date when he will be available.
You will be notified when we have been able to reschedule the ‘Clubs in the Community Rally’. In the meantime could I encourage you to write to your MP stating your opposition to the proposed reforms in legislation and in particular Mandatory Pre-commitment, and how important our Clubs are to you and your community.

Anthony Westman,
The Westport Club
General Manager

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