Apples and oranges

In the letters to the editor last week there were two letters about fluoride and I am sure that to most of your readers it was very confusing. Usually when you get strong opinions on any subject especially when the opinions are from experts both sides of the argument are correct. How can that be, well on this subject Dr Caree Alexander is talking about hydrofluoricsalicic acid an S7 poison
And Professor Wendell Evans is talking about Dental grade fluoride, which has to be painted on the teeth to be effective. Totally different. One of the reasons fluoride tablets were banned was because they were not effective and people were poisoning themselves. We now have mass medication of all the people in Port Macquarie and districts.
The fluoride level of the water in Port is now 0.19mg per Litre (council figures) in 1992 we did have a poll on fluoride and 70 per cent of us said a resounding NO.
It wasn’t that long ago that we were asked to vote on a rate, rise if you remember we were only given two choices, so if the council can ask for our input then it needs to do us the courtesy of letting us decide if we want to be medicated. I believe they already know what the result will be. My wife and I have lived in Port Macquarie and paid rates for 30 years and we were not asked if we wanted a Glasshouse and we are paying for it and yet we have roads that are a disgrace. Back to fluoride we are told it is for children’s teeth. Question? How many children do you know that drink water! The reason we titled this apples and oranges is it is wrong to call what is in our water fluoride, that is where the deception lies.

Geoff and Wendy Williams
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