Disabled parking a problem in CBD

During the years we became residents in Port Macquarie and I became an active member of the community, we were delighted with the respect and kindness of the  people towards the elderly and disabled, the numbers of whom are increasing.
In view of this situation, one may assume that the Port  Macquarie Council would be the first to recognise the importance of making enough convenient parking spaces for them to accommodate their needs to shop in Port Central where they can  contribute to the benefit of the businesses that operate there.
Many disabled persons cannot walk long distances and need parking nearest to the entrance of that complex, where there are only three disabled parking spaces that caused me to park in the situation where I did, which is for trucks, and have noticed it is vacant more than it is used, in order to pay our bills and shop for our needs as we do each week, and to make it a little easier for my wife who has walking problem as well.
I regret having to take that opportunity through lack of disabled spaces, for which there was a fine on my windscreen near my disabled permit for $143 — that is a burden on our pension.
The parking situation as it is will stop further business coming here to the loss of revenue through proper means.
Not long ago I inquired  about the shortage of those spaces from  the Council and was told that there are a few right down the Gordon Street end — that is a about 100 metres extra walking, which is an indication of their lack of respect for their senior resident rate payers who gave their loyalty and commitment to Australia during their working life and WW2.
Eric Di Losa
Port Macquarie

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