Here we are, July 1, 2012, the sky has not fallen in and as far as I know coal and iron ore are still being mined, and coal powered electricity is still being generated.
I am a part pensioner and have received the advance payment of the clean energy subsidy. This will more than make up for any additional expense from what is not a carbon tax.
This is an Emission Trading Scheme similar to the one that was proposed by the Howard Government of which many of the current Federal opposition were members. The only real difference is the fixed term for the floor price is three years under the Federal Labor Government. Under the Howard Government the fixed term was one year.
I am more disadvantaged by the high AUD and the low interest rates on which I rely for my income. The scare mongering from the Opposition will not change the facts, only some people’s perception of them.
Already the total power consumption of the nation has reduced. This is due partly to the Federal solar schemes and partly to the awareness of the Australian public of the damage we are doing to the environment.
Be prepared for more hikes in the price of electricity, not from the effect of the Emission Trading Scheme but as a direct result of State Government policy.
Alan Gordon
King Creek