Back to the future?

At a Meet the Candidates function in Laurieton on Thursday night, one of the candidates said that “we should not look at the past”. He was wrong, as we can learn from the mistakes of the past.
In the light of the last council’s politically linked Yes Team forcing the Glasshouse travesty, the community called for, and got, a Public Inquiry into the council. The Final Report of the Inquiry contained a litany of negligence and bad management by the council, resulting in council’s dismissal.
However, the same Glasshouse is costing ratepayers $6.7 million each year in LOSSES.
At the “Meet” function, all candidates were asked to truthfully raise their hands if they had NOT read the Final Report of the Public Inquiry.  Over half of them raised their hands.
All candidates should read that Report, and learn from the past how NOT to do the wrong thing.

Ian Ferguson

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