
Would the prospective councillors who want to build 1000 houses a year in Port Macquarie please identify themselves. At the same time could they release their plans to fund the infrastructure all these extra people will require. It had better be something other than ongoing rate increases. Average people and families are sick of being used as cash cows to fund growth. It is an expensive cycle of lacking infrastructure, paying for more, then having population growth swallow up any gains and having to pay for more all over gain. And what are they going to do to assist small businesses? It is quite simplistic to argue that population growth equates to more people through the door. For small businesses it can mean higher utility costs, higher rates, higher rents, higher transport costs and increased competition from the big players who don’t have the same cost structures. On top of that we have the carbon tax and people having less to spend after all the bills. When the costs of growth exceed the benefits then it is time to stop growing, not press on for the benefit of a relatively small few and self invested politicians. So anybody with a plan that considers stability and prosperity for the majority please present yourself for my vote. Port Macquarie should never be a major town and the costs of doing so, including loss of lifestyle as well as the financial ones are too great.

Glen Targus,
Port Macquarie

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