Still in a job

Julia kept her job! During the recriminations of the last few days it came as no surprise that Kevin 07 didn’t get the PM’s job back. He will not now lay his head on a pillow at the Lodge. He promises to go quietly to the back bench but how long will he remain silent?
The media, during the lead up to the caucus vote, was full of speculation to the exclusion of anything else that was happening in Australia.
If the media would tell the people how we have been tied to the United Nations via treaties and conventions and how we will face a debt crisis similar to the one now facing Greece, they would be doing us a favor. The object seems to be to feed the populace with one diversion after another. What will be the next one?
This thing called Parliamentary democracy is letting us all down. Laws and regulations are piling up on a daily basis; too many for the average Joe to keep track of. When will it end? When the “system” becomes so rigid no one will be able to do anything?
It’s time to re-think the system under which we are slowly strangling to death.

Jay Nauss

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