Bridging the credibility gap

In the P.M. Independent, 3/12/11 in 819 words, we had one of our local Al Gore “The Climate Project’ presenters from Climate Change Australia – Hastings Branch, telling us about the ramblings of our local climate inaction, skeptic, denialist, delaying, whinging, conspiracy theorists.
This is a typical alarmist attitude to use derogatory language, particularly when cornered by some facts.
We learn how the Planet Earth has a problem – in Al Gore’s words, the “Planet Has a Fever”, a statement Mr Gore has used often, including at the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce 2009, where he was deceptive in reply to Rep. Steve Scalise about his connections to Ken Lay CEO of the corporation Enron, a corporation that imploded on it’s own corruption. CEO’s Lay and Skillings were convicted of securities and wire fraud May 25, 2006. Ken Lay is now deceased.
One of Enron’s major projects was carbon dioxide cap and trade (carbon tax) to further its natural gas and wind power interests.
Then we learn about how scientists can predict quite accurately how levels of CO2 in the atmosphere will impact future warming, but we are not told that this is dependent on computer modelling, that even the IPCC admits low level of understanding of many factors used in this modeling (WG1, The Physical Science Basis – 2.9.1 Uncertancies in Radiative Forcing).
Like all modelling of future events, they are only a tool, not a crystal ball.
I doubt that “Global Agreement” is in place, the current incantation is the Kyoto Protocol, which runs out end of 2012. With Russia, China, Japan and Canada telling the recent G8 they would not join a second round of carbon cuts under the Kyoto Protocol.
Brazil, China, India and South Africa want the Kyoto Protocol pushed back to at least 2020 (SMH 28/11/11). The US abandoned the treaty in 2001, and will not sign until it is completely world wide. President Obama stated on his recent visit, that Australia’s carbon tax was “a bold strategy” (a diplomatic way of saying “stupid”, and we (US) will not be following).
The document, UNEP Emissions Gap Report, describes various emission scenarios, reduction implementation, costing and penalties. A wish list for those who want to control carbon emissions and consequentially energy source, with as much cost as possible.
The UNEP and the World Meteorological Organisation formed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988, and this panel has been promoted as a scientific body, used as reference by governments to set their carbon dioxide levels, controlled by putting a tax on energy sources (UN-WMO doc. TD-No 267, Geneva 9-11 Nov 1988).
The IPCC scientific input is in the majority sourced directly from the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, or indirectly from scientists sourcing data from the EA CRU.
In 2009 the enviro world was shaken by revelations from the “Climategate” emails (1000x plus data) from the EA CRU, which showed amongst other information, that even the scientists had doubts about the climate changing as had been predicted by computer modelling.
Now, in Nov 2011 there has been released, Climategate 2, apparently from an insider conscience leak, another 5000 emails from the EA CRU, with another 220,000 encrypted emails on hold as security. The revelations from the emails contents show – doubt about their climate findings, suppression of data and data availability, possible alterations to data, destruction of emails, pressure on scientific journals to prevent publishing of any dissenting scientific papers.
We are told “Time is short’ by our CCA member. Of course it is if you want to get as many as possible to sign up to a new Kyoto agreement.
But is it? With record winters in the Northern Hemisphere over the last three years, presently early snows in Alaska (temps down to – 24degC), early snow today in Scotland, sea ice forming in Hudson Bay, just starting to ice up in the Great Lakes (US) and temperatures across Siberia of -24C, -30C and dropping. The Arctic Icecap is showing 10/10 thickness from Bering Strait to Greenland, I feel Mr Gore, CCA-H, IPCC, UNFCCC and many other climate alarmists and rent seekers are finding now that “time is short’.
There has been no response to my question to CCA – Hastings about the UN Green Climate Fund that wants to raise $100 billion per year, with Australia’s commitment being 10 per cent of the carbon tax.
Now the African states are demanding that the fund is elevated to $600 billion per year (UNFCCC Durban web).
The US has backed away from the Green Climate Fund, Canada and the UK may pull out of the GCF negotiations. Australia is expected to ratify last year’s commitment to the GCF at Durban.
Geoff Hutchesson,
Bonny Hills

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