No balance in fluoride debate

In council’s latest Community Connect flyer, ratepayers are advised that fluoridation of the water supply will be occurring in early 2012. The actual commencement date requires a final “tick’ of approval from NSW Health.
I encourage fellow ratepayers to visit council’s website ( and read the pro-fluoride information supplied by NSW Health. Unfortunately you will discover there is no balance in this debate whatsoever! However our council has been requested in writing to correct this anomaly. For those seeking balance in this debate, please also visit
The notion of medicating unknown persons with uncontrolled amounts of fluoride in the hope of benefiting teeth is simply absurd. Our bodies retain about 50 per cent of the fluoride we ingest from drinking water – the more you drink, the more you get. And we are already getting fluoride from our food. How much? The council doesn’t know. The Health Department doesn’t know either.
The key question is, “How is the absorbed and unwanted fluoride affecting our body tissues (e.g. the pineal gland, thyroid, kidneys, bones, ligaments etc)?” The Health Department claims there can be no harm to our bodies at the “optimal” level of 1 part per million fluoride in drinking water. This reckless claim is refuted by a large body of peer reviewed overseas science. And no relevant studies have been conducted in Australia.
Finally, there is a reality that all citizens should ponder. Council’s new fluoride plant at Rosewood, west of Wauchope, also serves as a toxic fluoride waste disposal facility that has the blessing of government. Bear in mind that it is illegal for the fluoridating agent, concentrated fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), to be dumped in landfill sites or in waterways due its extreme toxicity. A neat fix?

John Lusk

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