Regarding the ‘Carbon Tax’.
I think I could believe in global warming. There is plenty of evidence to support that this is happening, as it has done for the past couple of billion years. Introducing a new tax, which will be passed on to us regardless of what politicians say, cannot possibly have any effect on this fact.
If the money raised went to cleaner energy sources it may be very beneficial. But would it? Or would it disappear into the black hole which seems to swallow up petrol taxes, lottery income (which originally went to hospital finance), tobacco tax, and other levies imposed on us.
Ron Burke
Be cautious
The announcement last week from the PM and the Climate Commission is cause for more alarm than their dire predictions of rising sea levels.
The climate science fraternity – including the IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change) – may well have a feasible theory about CO2, but they have been used by politicians and the media to successfully present their theory as settled and proven science. But settled science is an oxymoron..
Science progresses by research into alternative explanations for things. So by overtly rejecting – and ridiculing - any other evidence available, they are murdering Scientific Method and their own credibility.
Mother Nature is so vast, complex and unpredictable. There’s so many other factors that could be in the mix. But their theory blames anthropogenic CO2 alone, and that fixation is superimposed on all their research. It seems like they have lost all objectivity.
We need to be very cautious of any government who sets up and funds a scientific agency for the purpose of vindicating their own plans and policies.
Bob Donaldson
Port Macquarie