Time to get comfortable

In response to the Lesley Chapman letter (Independent 26/7/12) her point is well taken with regard to assimilation of refugees and ommigrants whether “legal” or “illegal”.
It takes time for people to adjust to a new way of life regardless of their individual treatment. The Asian intake was treated in a similar manner to the recent arrivals.They are now seen as a rich addition to our culture. Sure there is a mixture of good and bad, but that is true of us as well.
I lived in Blacktown for over 30 years, and nobody would deny that there is a fair cross section of races and religions in that city. The most horrific of crimes – the rape and murder of poor Anita Cobby – was conducted by a group of local Anglo types.
The drive-by shootings in these so-called ethnic communities are abhorred by all and are committed by groups whose ethics are driven by criminal intent rather than race or religion.
We as a country take a very small number of asylum seekers. Clive Palmer and I agree for the very first time, process them in Indonesia, then fly the successful ones to Australia. Lives and money would be saved.

Alan Gordon
King Cree

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