No rate increase

Rates have risen 100 per cent since 2003, 12 per cent per year to over $2000. I mean the combined rates that council charge, all levies such as wastewater etc. The pensioner rebate was $420, but is now $337.50.
Council is spending ratepayer’s money on events that help businesses – iron man events, surfing events, football events and so on. These should be financed by the businesses that benefit from them – restaurants, shopping centres, taxies, souvenir shops and fast food etc.
What are the Council powers trying to do? Run pensioners out of town? Soon I will have to sell my house and live in an old man’s home! To have an idea of costs, electricity costs me $990 per quarter – a whopping $4000 per year! Water charges in 2003 were 90c per kl, but are now $2.14 per kl – an increase of over 100 per cent and Council has sneaked in an extra, called availability charge, on top of the consumption charge. Doesn’t Council get the water free?
There is no need to sell out rate payer’s money on skate ramps or a new swimming pool when we have so many beaches and surf clubs already. There is plenty for young people to do. We have the Scout movement and the Girl Guides, hockey fields, football fields, bike tracks and so on. Let businesses support these and free up rate payer’s money, no longer putting Council into debt.
If Council goes ahead with rate increases what can I look forward to in the next five years, $4000 rates, $6000 electricity and $200 water? Thank goodness I am over 75 and may not have another five years.

Port Macquarie

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