At it again

It seems the Nationals have commenced their campaign for the seat of Lyne by featuring a photo of Rob Oakeshott sitting on a prop toilet. (“Now it’s personal”, Port Macquarie Independent, June 28). It appears the Nationals intend using similar tactics to the ones they used during the lead-up to the State election last year.
During that campaign, we received several postcards in our letterbox with unauthorised photographs, propaganda and misinformation from the Nationals. There was also the so-called “Port Paper”, delivered to every household, to promote Leslie Williams. This publication was illegal under the Electoral Act because the Nationals didn’t acknowledge that they issued it. It soon disappeared after the election but had done its job.
Voters in Port Macquarie can expect to see many more of these tactics and personal attacks on Rob Oakeshott in the next year or so before the Federal election.
Bill Headon
Port Macquarie

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