Morals for all

It bemuses me as to how people claim that times are tough and then either shut their business for a half-day holiday or just have the afternoon off to go watch something as time and money wasteful as horse racing.
Now it isn’t like there are not enough public holidays on hand. Who are you fooling?
I think a well known saying within the transport industry can possibly apply to any industry, “When the wheels aren’t turning you’re not earning”.
With the attitude of many people these days, no wonder things are a financial mess.
Basically I do not get this whole thing, that people get more than likely paid time off to gamble.
Now there will be grumblings amongst the populace that it is the Australian thing to do,
Another thing that vexes me is how people can morally and with wisdom support poker machines by saying that clubs with these help out sporting clubs, etc.
Here we go again, teaching the younger generations that gambling is acceptable.
If people want something bad enough they should not put their hand out, instead footing the bill themselves, not the public.
Look, I love photography and poetry, yet I fund these ventures myself. So why should it be any different for any one person.
I think once again, the younger generation is being taught the wrong way.
After all, if you want something bad enough, so be it, you make that effort to attain it.
At the end of the day, we have no right to expect other people to do or give us things, yet we do have the obligation to give when it is genuinely needed.
Point of this being; Stop asking and begin to give of yourself. Society really has turned into a ‘what a can I get for myself attitude driven mass’.
Lionel Cowan
Port Macquarie

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