Fact or fiction

Regarding the claims and statements that were made by Assoc Prof Wendell Evans in his letter to the editor in the Port News on Wednesday, April 18.
I bring this up now due to our Council Administrator coincidentally importing this same man to the last important council meeting to speak against our community’s right to a poll and a vote on water fluoridation (hydrofluorosilicic acid), clearly Mr Porter could not get any local residents to speak in opposition to the poll!
Firstly, let’s clear up who this man is. Wendell Evans is an ex-public health dentist that is now allowed to teach, hence he has been given the title of Associate professor, not a Ph.D not a professional career scientist.
In his letter to the editor Mr Evans states clearly that water fluoridation is safe. On April 19 I had a phone conversation and sent an email to Mr Evans asking him to back this statement up and show me any Australian long-term scientific or health studies into the effects on humans that validate his claim.
As at today, Mr Evans has not provided this information. If Mr Evans’ claims were true, then I am sure that he would have been very keen to provide this evidence. In our phone conversation, Mr Evans also made the alarming statement that all professionals against fluoridation are “frauds” – really Mr Evans, I think we will leave that up to the community to decide as to who is and who isn’t. Find 4038 professionals stating their opposition to water fluoridation here – http://www.fluoridealert.org/professionals-statement.aspx
I encourage all residents to stop listening to the one-sided story from our bureaucrats and the likes of Mr Evans regarding water fluoridation. They have no science and they have no proof that it is safe or we would have seen it by now.
In fact, all they have are decades of government funded reviews upon reviews upon reviews, but nothing to prove it is safe. Research for yourselves the truth behind this farce. It is your health, not theirs!

David Blackshaw
Independent Researcher
Port Macquarie

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