We’ll all be rooned

Why is it, these days, when you ask some people how things are going, they proceed to invoke Hanrahan’s (John O’Brien) famous line, “We’ll all be rooned.”?
I’m getting tired of such snivelling responses, inspired and encouraged by Mr Abbott and his opposition colleagues and some business leaders in their selfish way of pursuing a partisan, political agenda.
Let’s look at the facts. Unemployment in Australia is below 5 per cent, inflation is below 5 per cent, the RBA cash rate is below 5 per cent, the balance of trade is at a 100-year high and the OECD recognises we have the best performing economy in the world. Multi-millionaires of the likes of Gerry Harvey, John Symonds, Jac Nasser and Clive Palmer never miss an opportunity to howl that the economy and the government’s intervention are somehow hurting their businesses and profits.
This country has never had it so good. Just ask the Governor of the Reserve Bank.

Patrick Lee
Port Macquarie

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