Rest of us can eat cake

There will be no Carbon Tax under the Government I lead — PM J Gillard, August 2010.  That promise was made before she had to grovel to a handful of leftist greens and independents.
In ten years, our electricity charges have doubled. How will they now increase over the next few years? We know costs are probably going to be high, hence the provision of tripling of the Tax Free Threshold and yet that probably won’t even pay for the everyday costs of the new consumption tax.  Apparently it is going to cost every household about $10. How many jobs will we be sending to the People’s Republic of China?
I believe electricity charges probably won’t worry the Federal Member for New England, Tony Windsor, having sold his farm to Werris Creek Coal P/L; he’s got more than 4.5 million in the bank and if the inner glow of four point something million doesn’t warm the cockles of his heart, when he sees his electricity bill or fills the car with fuel, when he does finally retire from politics, the taxpayers of Australia will keep him comfortable with a generous superannuation scheme the envy of the world, while the rest of us can eat cake.
Keep in mind also that, following every election as an independent, he gets to bank the cheque that the Electoral Commission sends his way for each primary vote received.  The AEC payment would buy you and I plenty of cartons of beer or pre-mixed drinks to drown our sorrows too as we ponder our increased electricity and petrol costs under the Federal Labor/Green/Independent alleged save-the-planet tax. Unfortunately the flavour of your pre-mixed drink may sour as you ponder the anti-binge drinking alco-pops tax previously introduced by Labor’s health minister Nicola Roxon. As we’ll see in the next few weeks with Schoolies, the tax will have had not the slightest effect on teenage binge drinking. Just another tax grab from a typically overspending Labor government.
For the rest of us we have to hope that the Labor/Green/Independent consumption tax aka Carbon Tax laws will not see our fortunes sink.  This tax has always been designed to claw back the 2008/2009 global financial crisis largesse. Robert “Bob” Brown and his green senators fool no-one with their applause and cheering and, when the legislation passed the Senate, Labor’s Senator Penelope Wong started to cry, like the left-wing sook she is.
You can feel the anxiety of many people and see the delusion of others and it probably isn’t going to end nicely; and so ends the Australian dream.
Mark Rodda

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