Solar is a pipedream

Just a comment on Drusilla Megget’s letter debunking Brian Panisset’s previous letter regarding the tax on carbon pollution.  (Beg to differ on carbon pollution, Your Letters, July 28). MsMegget
stated that China and India are investing hugely in solar technology which she infers will alleviate the need for coal burners.  This is a pipedream, as solar and wind technologies are not viable for base load electricity production.  This has been proved scientifically and documented many times in this column. Having some solar technology doesn’t mean that China and India are preparing their countries to rely on solar power or that they will initiate a carbon tax in the future.
Most Australians will be affected when the costs of a carbon tax on the big companies flows through into the community. It is man-made emissions that are a mere blip in comparison to volcanic eruptions which have the energy of hundreds of atomic explosions and their ash can circulate the globe several times.  To even consider that anything man-made could be greater than nature is absurd. Carbon dioxide is a natural gas which plants need to survive. It is not a pollutant. If you deprive plants of CO2, then crops and forests will die, followed by humanity: the climate change proponents have yet to grasp this concept.
If people acknowledged that God was Creator and the world is His then they wouldn’t be so arrogant as to try to control the earth’s atmosphere.

Lesley Chapman

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