Drive safely

An insert in your last thumbs up/down is an indicator of the current attitude of road users to speed limits, and the road from Wauchope to Port.
This narrow two-way road has a selection of limits from 100 to 80, none of which are observed by most drivers. The big joke is that on the new DUAL CARRIAGEWAY section of the Oxley Highway, the limit is 90.
The whole point of issue is that the speed limit is just that. It is the SPEED LIMIT, the maximum speed at which you are allowed to drive. Should you wish to drive below the limit then you may do so, within reason.
If their journey is urgent they may think to leave earlier and therefore make everyone’s journey a whole lot safer.
Unfortunately this section of road is notorious for it’s “tailgaters” who have a burning need to get to their destination regardless of their dangerous driving. Have they ever calculated the small increase in time taken while driving below the limit?
Incidentally, when my grey Corolla is in the garage, I may be in my Ferrari Dino, adhering to speed limits and acknowledging other drivers who may not wish to drive at the limit.

Name and address withheld

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