On the bus run

I’d like to encourage local companies with contracts for school bus runs to take advantage of a rare positive federal government program for regional Australia.
The “Seatbelts for Kids” program provides eligible operators with up to $25,000 for every bus to help cover the cost of installing seatbelts.
Seatbelts save lives, particularly on substandard country roads, and what life is more important than that of a child?
Over the past four years, only 280 school buses have been fitted out under the program, largely because it appears the Government has failed to promote the initiative in the regions.
For more information, go to www.infrastructure.gov.au/roads/safety/seatbeltsforkids or contact my electorate office on (02) 6382 3400.
Fiona Nash
Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Regional
Deputy Leader of the
Nationals in the Senate

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