Congrats to public housing

I went with a couple of friends the other day to visit a friend who has moved from her Warlters Street unit to a new unit in Gordon Street near the library. We were all amazed how large the unit was, how well finished they are, all the appliances eg, stove, light fittings are good quality and whoever designed them, pat yourself on the back. These are designed so you are not looking immediately into another person’s home. They are very light and painted white. Our friend is a senior woman and will look after her unit. I certainly hope that none of the residents do anything to destroy the lovely image of the buildings and the grounds.
Even the external building is good to look at and the surrounds as well. Their waste bins are underneath the units, cleaned after being emptied and replaced, not hanging around the street.
Prior to these being built, I was at a meeting where the majority in the room were going on in a negative “fancy them building these so close to our tourist area and beaches blah blah blah”!!!!
I could have had a confrontation with some of the people but I am not like that, I would rather speak my mind via the print media. Not everyone has had the opportunity to purchase their own home and it is getting harder to do so. I was a single parent, worked paid child minding but fortunately have been able to purchase a modest home.
Where do all these people who complain about “public housing being built near them etc, think people who need these homes are going to live? Why don’t you get them sent out to middle of Australia. I want to say I lived in public housing for awhile, my house was neat and I paid the rent on time.
Can I tell you people who whine, the people I know in public housing in Port Macquarie and other areas, could stand toe to toe with any of you? My sister and brother-in-law reared three sons in a Department of Housing estate in the outer suburbs of Sydney and they are three wonderful men who all have their own businesses, great wives and children. When people start rubbishing public housing, why not say what I have just said. I don’t think everyone in public housing bothers to take care of their home but they would do that wherever they were living.
Pam Kenyon
Port Macquarie

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