Not so nutty

It was fantastic to see the alternative PM visiting Ricardoes Tomatoes at Blackmans Point recently and check out, first-hand, the wonderful environmentally sound practices being practised by this successful local business.
Among other initiatives, Ricardoes utilises burning macadamia nut shells to provide biomass, renewable energy for their operations as a more efficient energy alternative.
Macadamia nut shells used as biofuel has been successful at a venture at Suncoast Gold Macadamias in Gympie, Southeast Queensland. “The Suncoast facility was Australia’s first waste-to-energy (biomass) renewable cogeneration project. ‘Cogeneration’ is generation of both electricity and useful heat that can be used onsite for good use. This not-so-nutty activity produces enough energy from the macadamia nut shells to power the company’s entire manufacturing and processing activity, as well as about 250 Queensland homes,” According to energy retailer AGL.
Mr Abbott was able to experience the benefits of business being more creative with their energy mix, which is exactly what is encouraged with the Governments Clean Energy legislation that places a price on carbon intensive, fossil fuelled energy sources and encourages cleaner energy types into the mix.
Climate Change Australia Coordinator, Steve Lockhart, said, “Biomass energy is just one of a suite of alternative clean renewable energies that we can expect to see Australia’s businesses moving toward as high carbon polluting energy sources become more expensive over time. That’s the whole idea of a levy on carbon emissions. Business will be innovative and find the most efficient way to wind back their reliance on fossil fuels and the increasing cost of them. The cost of energy to business will reduce, carbon emisions reduce. Win, win.”
Good on you Ricardoes Tomatoes.
Steve Lockhart

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