Mr Porter says there is no point to a poll on fluoridation this September because council has no choice: council is now compelled by NSW Health to fluoridate. In fact there is a point or two to having a community poll. The first is financial, so do the maths: if council stopped fluoridation right now, and even if it had to pay fines to Health for 15 years, council would still save money. Secondly, not only is council free to hold a poll, it has an actual duty to do so under its own conditions of DA approval, requiring it to comply with the Fluoridation Act Code of Practice, which itself includes an “expectation’ that council will consult its community on the question. The Administrator prefers to plead the Nuremberg defence, which belittles his office and contradicts the principles of our Australian Westminster system of government.
Our network has now collected more than 3000 signatures petitioning for a poll on silicofluoridation in September, more than triple what council originally required (2000 have already been lodged with council). A poll would cost $70,000, although if held in conjunction with council elections, the cost will be far less. Deadline for council’s decision is May 31. We remain hopeful that council will by then have decided to do the right thing. To support our campaign, please get as many people as possible to sign this petition – available at
Caree Alexander
Port Macquarie