Winning side

One of the dangers of a democracy is that your side may not win. Another danger is that your side does win.
The State coalition led by Mr Barry O’Farrell is well entrenched by a substantial majority and was put there by an avalanche of votes in the coalition’s favour.
We will probably have to sit through another term after this one, in which time the incumbent party can do exactly as it wishes.
With the support of the minor parties in the Upper House Barry has a carte blanche.
But remember this, the voters of the Port Macquarie area dumped an effective independent to help the coalition on its way.
For the Electorate to now complain that they are not getting what they were promised is surprising.
Why the Australian electorate has chosen to focus on the Federal Labor Party for changing their collective mind about the carbon tax is beyond me.
The major rise in electricity prices is from the State Government. We are being well compensated by the Federal Government for the carbon tax.
There are many occasions in politics when similar mind changes have occurred. Remember the Federal Coalition “Core and Non-Core” promises.
Remember that you vote for a party and not the for the leader of that party. The party members that you vote for choose the leader.
Remember that what you are getting from the State Coalition is nothing to what you are going to get if you repeat the process with the Feds.
Don’t give them such a huge majority. You may regret it.
Alan Gordon
King Creek

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