Support Bill

Youth Allowance package that is now before the Federal Parliament to help local students access higher learning seems a long way from the National Party focus.
In 2010, the National Party, Liberal Party, and Labor Party negotiated an ‘inner versus outer region’ arrangement to get passage through the Senate.  This excluded many local students and, as stated at the time, was a dog of a deal.
In 2011, the Coalition used this same Senate to try to clean up the mess they helped create. Their efforts were deemed unconstitutional as they were ‘money bills’, and the Parliament as a whole, including myself, accepted that advice.
I therefore, very publicly, chose to clean up the mess through direct negotiation with the Prime Minister.  I am pleased to now see the legislation before the House and a substantial package of improvements for local students waiting to be voted on. Our strategy of direct negotiation has worked. This package is constitutional and I am urging all MPs to support this important Bill.
Of particular disappointment in Monday’s paper were the direct personal attacks by the National Party on the views of local resident Mr Kim Pett. I did not ask Mr Pett to write to the paper, but I will defend him as a voice of reason in advocating for his daughter and other local students on this topic for some time.  His is surely a local voice to be listened to, not attacked by a political party more interested in the politics than local students and their families.

Rob Oakeshott MP
Member for Lyne

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