Attitudes change

We are noting the different attitudes and ideas of this current crop of candidates as against the ideals and attitudes of councillors of 30 years or so ago.
In the past councillors were part of the community and encouraged and assisted the people in deciding their needs and priorities. There was real community participation and involvement throughout the whole process.
Now, and in recent years, it seems that the elite CBD sector of the LGA has the ear of councillors and council bureaucrats to pursue its own particular objectives which are not necessarily the issues of importance to ordinary ratepayers.
Where do council’s finances come from? Apart from State and/or Federal grants, they come from all the LGA ratepayers. But where, and to what purpose are these funds going? They appear to be going to upmarket elite business, developer and tourism interests rather than to core council business — roads, footpaths, rubbish etc.
Sick of the Glasshouse saga? We all are. This was an example of failure to prioritise sensibly and responsibly.
The ratepayers of the whole LGA are largely made up of low income and/or pensioner ratepayers. It seems that much of their income is a rapid turnaround each and every week of the year into council and business community coffers. This contrasts with the spasmodic injection of monies for the so-called lifeblood and support of tourism which benefits mostly from the neglect of the basic needs and services of the LGA.
So, to councillors in the making, will you get back to being part of the community ensuring that council gets back to the business of provision of basic, affordable services to all sectors of the LGA that from our observations of the past was what council and councillors used to be all about.

Barbara Grant-Curtis and Jean Helson
Port Macquarie

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