Open discussion

In his letter (The Independent, 24 May), Mr Justin Levido wrote that the current consultation process on Councillor specifications hints at ‘guided democracy’.
On the contrary, the process seeks to generate discussion about what our community wants in our future councillors, so candidates might respond and the electors can make an informed decision on voting day.
The Independent Members of the Governance Review Panel will not identify a ‘right candidate’, attempt to guide our community’s voting preference, or ask candidates to sign a pledge or covenant. As Mr Levido rightly states, democracy at work is a wonderful thing and our electors should make a decision on our future Council based on many, varied factors.
To have an open, transparent and rigorous discussion on those many factors now, will only assist our community to get to ‘know’ each of the candidates — their qualities, skills, platforms and more — before deciding who they want to vote for as their representatives and members of our local governing body.
Surely Mr Levido would agree that any candidate should be willing to have an open discussion with the community about their skills, attributes and where they stand on key issues of concern to the community?
Liesa Davies
(Independent) Chair
Port Macquarie Hastings Governance Review
Consultation Panel.

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