Paddlers sweep it in at Awards Night

Flamin’ Dragons Dragon Boat Club held its second Club Awards Night and Annual General Meeting last weekend.
The meeting and dinner were held at The Westport Club, with around 50 members attending to elect a new committee.
Robyn Morgan was elected as president for the second year.
The club hopes to be as successful in the next 12 months as they have been in the last year.
All members enjoyed the night, which was topped off after dinner by Awards being presented to members for their efforts for the past season.
Club Member of the Year Sandra Woolhouse,
Paddlers’ Paddler: Kerrie Barry,
Most Improved Paddler: Anne Mason
Junior of the Year: Ashleigh Bailey.
There were also some certificates handed out for Encouragement Awards to Carol Younger and Nicole Steuart and a number of other members received certificates for their participation in club events in the past year. There were also lucky door prizes won.
A thank you went out to all businesses around Port Macquarie for their donations for the night.

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