A cup of tea for support

Every week a small inconspicuous group of ladies set up quietly on the verandahs of Emerald Downs Golf Course to battle each other in the age old game of Mah-jong. This week, however, the normal quiet tapping of Mah-jong blocks changed to the tinkle of teaspoons and teacups, when the ladies decided to rally a show of force and hold a special morning tea to raise funds and support for Ovarian Cancer.
“Every woman needs to know more about Ovarian Cancer. In Australia, one in 77 women will develop ovarian cancer in their lifetime. It could be any one of us, or someone we know. On an average about 3 Australian women are diagnosed every day,” Emerald Downs Mah-jong group president Robyn Shaw said.
“The funds we raise today will go to Ovarian Cancer Australia. These funds will allow Ovarian Cancer Australia to continue developing and expanding awareness, support, advocacy and research programs to create a future of hope for all women.”
For further information about Ovarian Cancer Australia or if you would also like to hold a morning tea to raise much needed funds for this organisation you can contact them via their website, www.ovariancancer.net.au. All donations over $2 are tax deductable.
The Emerald Downs Mah-jong Ladies meet each week at Emerald Downs Club House, please contact Emerald Downs Club House on 6582 6120 for further information, new members and visitors of all experience levels are always welcome.

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