Business bowls over Education Fund

Local business participating in the recent Corporate Barefoot Bowls Challenge have raised over $1,600 to help local youth to achieve their post high school education, training and vocation aspirations.
The Port Chamber of Commerce joined forces with the Port City Bowling Club to present the 5th season of the Barefoot Bowls Corporate Challenge, and while the recent rain did hamper some play, it definitely didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of players or their willingness to support the nominated beneficiary of the event, the Hastings Education Fund.
“It was great to see people getting out on the greens and having loads of fun with their teams and other local business.  As always, it will be great to see the funds raised going back to help a great local cause,” said Jordan Humphries, Marketing and Functions Manager at Port City.
The Hastings Education Fund was established earlier this year to provide much needed financial assistance and support to local youth.  Throughout the year, the Fund raises money and accepts donations from local residents and businesses in order to provide financial grants to students who need an extra helping hand.
Jenny Fraser, Vice Chairperson of the Hastings Education Fund Board, noted “We’ve just reviewed the applications for our very first round of grants funding.  With more than 30 very worthy applicants, our biggest challenge is not being able to provide grants to them all! That said, we are finding that simply having a wide range of people supporting the Fund from across our community means that we can help applicants with valuable mentoring and referrals, as well as via the actual grants themselves. The Hastings Education Fund will hold a presentation event for grant recipients and sponsors at the Glasshouse on Thursday, December 8.  For more information on the Fund click on the logo link at
For local business looking to participate in the next Corporate Bowls Challenge, visit

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