WESTBOURNE Grammar students celebrated their transition into adulthood last week at the school’s 29th annual Presentation Ball.
It was a combination of celebrating their teenage years as well as welcoming adulthood said parent Sharon Mamo.
“They spend six weeks learning how to dance and curtsey and take on old world manners of grace and charm,” Ms Mamo said.
Apart from the many weeks of preparation, students anxiously wait years to experience the excitement of the ball.
Year 11 student Montana Nicoloutsopoulos said the ball was something she always looked forward to.
“When you first get to high school and you see the older kids getting ready for their deb every year, you can’t wait to get to that year level and get presented as a lady and get dressed up,” she said.
The debutantes are presented to family, friends and honoured guests as young adults at a formal ceremony.
“I found it important that I got to be presented as a young lady into my community,” Montana said.
“It’s like a preparation, we’re not young kids any more, we have to think of where we want go with our lives.”
The ball was also an opportunity for the students to be recognised for their achievements and extra-curricular activities.
Montana has a list of extra-curricular activities and achievements of her own.
The 16-year-old is a ballet award winner and has performed in Disneyland and New York.
She was also the winner of the Good Guys Young Australian Award for fund-raising $3000 for a small town in Tanzania.
“The school instils a motivation in the children,” Ms Mamo said.
“They are taught to believe in themselves. “