AN UNUSUAL sport that pits die-hard adrenalin junkies against each other in a ball throwing and ducking frenzy is coming to Wyndham.
Tyler Bowman, president of the Melbourne Dodgeball League (MDL), said he hoped dodgeball, a sport in which two teams of players try to hit their opponents with balls while avoiding being hit themselves, would soon become one of the most popular sports in Wyndham.
There are already 50 dodgeball teams throughout Melbourne that are part of the MDL and Mr Bowman said competitions would be held at the Werribee Indoor Sports Centre from May onwards.
Mr Bowman, who is originally from Canada, said he started up the MDL after missing playing the sport back in his home country.
“It’s definitely an under-rated sport,” Mr Bowman said.
“I’ve played a lot of sports and this one has got the most strategy, it’s a lot of fun and it is a really good workout.”
The MDL was formed in Bundoora with current champion team, Golden Cobra Disco Kill Squad, coming out of the same suburb.
Other teams from around Melbourne have similarly absurd names, such as Ball Busters, Great Balls of Fire and “a few that you couldn’t mention in the newspaper”, according to Mr Bowman.
Mr Bowman said the sport was extremely competitive, with matches lasting 50 minutes or until all the members of one team have been disqualified.
“It’s a very social sport and everyone who plays it loves it,” Mr Bowmen said.
The MDL is currently a mixed sport with teams consisting of six people, with at least two team members required to be women.
Matches will be held on Thursday nights at the Werribee Indoor Sports Centre in Riverside Ave in Werribee.
For more information, visit www.mdl.org.au