Group’s anger

By Mario Xuereb
ASUNSHINE residents’ group will hold a public meeting to thrash out views on a proposed three-tower development in Foundry Rd.
The group, SunRRA, had a number of concerns about the development, including an over-supply of retail space, which it believed would hurt traders in other parts of Sunshine.
The planned $70 million development included two seven-to-nine storeys towers and one tower six-to-eight storeys high.
The developers proposed that from base to the highest point the three towers would stand respectively 47, 33 and 30 metres.
The buildings would house shops, offices and 144 independent units for the over 55s.
Members of SunRRA believed Brimbank City Council had not properly consulted residents on the development.
“It’s a shame SunRRA has to call a meeting just because the Brimbank Council refuses to talk to the local residents and businesses about one of the most important developments in Sunshine,” SunRRA president Darlene Reilly said.
“They have treated this process just the same as if it was a planning permit for an average residential home extension, and as such we are unable as a community to ask Brimbank Council, or the developers, any questions about these advertised plans before we consider objecting,” she said.
The SunRRA meeting will be held on the site of the proposed development on the corner of Foundry and Hampshire roads on 16 September, from 10am.

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