Federal Minister’s funds for Wyndham
WYNDHAM parents could be breathing a sigh of relief if the municipality benefits from almost 400 new occasional care and in-home care places for children.
Federal Minister for Child Care, Kate Ellis, was at the Hoppers Crossing Occasional Child Care Centre last Tuesday to announce 1500 new places for pre-school children, and around 390 for Victoria.
“This is due to the need in this area, and the need for these places, and we know that is something that is true right around Australia and particularly with the additional pressures in Victoria,” Ms Ellis said.
“We’re really delighted to be able to announce today over 1500 new places in approved occasional care and in home care right around Australia. Now in Victoria we expect that will mean almost 400 new places.”
Ms Ellis told Star that childcare centres across Victoria will have to apply for extra places before an independent process determines where they will go next year.
She could not say how many Wyndham could expect to receive.
“That will be determined based on independent assessment that will determine where the greatest need is,” she said.
“Once we announce positions, then people will be able to apply for them and be assessed on their area.
We expect there will be approximately 390 places in Victoria, which will have a very real impact on a huge number of families, but we can’t give you a real figure on that and we can’t tell you exactly where they’re going to be.”
Ms Ellis said she chose the Hoppers Crossing Occasional Child Care Centre to make the announcement because it is a quality centre that also has a long waiting list.
Interested child care centres can call 1300 644 603 before the opening of the application process.