THERE has been a lot of talk about the solar industry lately, most of it negative.
The fact is, that solar is rapidly changing all the time; prices are changing, subsidies are changing, tariffs for feeding electricity into the grid are changing, rules are changing.
Take for example the latest change; the Premium Feed in Tariff (PFIT), whereby one got paid 66 cents for every kWh fed back into the grid, while only paying 22 or 23 cents for every kWh bought.
Sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it?
However, it had a big impact only on those people with either a really big system (ie 1.5 kW or similar), or people who are extremely frugal in their electricity usage (or both).
For the average Australian consumer (18 to 20 kWh per day usage) with the economical 1.5 kW system (that’s where the most subsidy is being paid by the government) and with the average 1.8 kids who come home from school in the afternoon, not many kWhs are being fed back into the grid and therefore not many dollars are being earned even with this generous tariff.
So you might have heard people say that now, after this tariff is gone, it isn’t worthwhile installing solar any more. This is wrong!
If you installed a 1.5kW system now, say for $2000, you produce about 5.5kWh average per day, or about 2000 kWh per year.
If you are paying 22 cents per kWh for your electricity at the moment, that represents a saving of $440 per year.
In other words, the system would have paid for itself in 4.5 years, with the inevitable price rises, in about four years.
Next thing, choosing a solar company.
A lot of the companies that are spruiking cheap prices have been involved in the industry for a year, maybe two or three and most of them will be gone again just as fast.
Soletrics has been in the industry for more than 20 years and is based in the Western suburbs and the company owner has a solar system on his own roof so it is definitely not a come today, gone tomorrow sort of business.
The company prides itself on quality trademanship and customer service, before, during and after the installation of a system, and the company doesn’t just look at Google Earth to see if a roof is suitable.
The company comes to inspect and measure and discuss the ins and outs before signing a customer up.
It doesn’t offer gimmicks like ‘free upgrades’, just plain straightforward proper advice and service for a fair price.
Call Soletrics today on 9314 8882.