WHEN you report a hoon driver in Wyndham, there is a dedicated team of police working to catch them and ensure the safety of all road users.
Senior Constable Laurie Carver from the Wyndham Highway Patrol spends every working day trying to stop dangerous driving in the municipality.
But while most people might think it is an impossible goal to stop hoon drivers, Sen Const Carver and his team are constantly vigilant.
“Our whole role is to reduce the road toll,” Sen Const Carver told Star.
“I want to make sure that the general public know that when they ring Crime Stoppers, it’s getting actioned, we’re monitoring it all the time.”
Sen Const Carver said residents can ring Crime Stoppers to report hoon behaviour and whatever information they can give is then passed on to the Wyndham Highway Patrol.
If it is the first offence by the reported vehicle, a letter is then sent to the registered owner informing them that they have been reported.
If they receive a second complaint, someone from the highway patrol unit will then visit the registered address.
“Most of the time when you visit people, you’re dealing with mum or dad. Most of the time the cars aren’t registered to their kids,” he said.
“There are obligations as the owner of the car to tell me who was driving, but the best part about that is I have a legitimate reason to tell your mum or dad what you are doing and how their car is being driven.”
If a vehicle receives further complaints they will then be targeted by police.
“My whole job is dedicated to monitoring the hoon line and catching these offenders,” he said.
“I’ve been doing it for two years and I can drive down the road and see a car registration and be able to know who the driver is and what they’ve done.”
If a resident witnesses hoon driving they should take down as much information as they can and call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.