Don’t panic over VCE results

Enid Stein is a career councillor. 110940 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


AS HUNDREDS of VCE students from across Wyndham wait nervously for their results which could help determine what they do for work for the rest of their lives, a Point Cook career councillor has urged them not to panic.
Enid Stein from CAREERSAdvice in Point Cook said when VCE results were released it was normal for students and their parents to be nervous.
“Monday 16 December is an exciting and possibly frightening day for students just completing Year 12,” Ms Stein said.
“When the graduations and schoolies celebrations are over reality sets in when the Year 12 results are published.”
Ms Stein said ATAR scores could also be confusing, causing more panic in the household.
“Some parents can be confused and think that an ATAR below 50 mean that students have failed,” she said.
“This is obviously not the case as students pass based on the number of subjects where they have been successful.
“The purpose of the ATAR is for higher education institutions to select students for their courses. It is just one of the tools they use along with additional personal information, interviews and auditions.”
Ms Stein said if students did not receive the score they were hoping for and they were worried they would not get into their preferred course there were still lots of things they could do.
She said they could add some other courses with lower ATAR or no ATAR requirements to their VTAC applications, they could make some direct applications or they could enrol in a single subject.
“There is no need to panic, there are many options,” she said.
“Most higher education institutions are open for providing assistance during the week results are available.”

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