Lisa’s brave walk

Lisa is taking part in the Weekend to End Women's Cancer. 110880 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


A HOPPERS Crossing woman who has had more than her fair share of experiences with cancer is hoping to use her past to shape the future of the treatment of the disease.
Lisa Tzuntzurkas will be taking part in the Weekend to End Women’s Cancers which will raise money for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
She will be walking 60 kilometres in Melbourne over two days in March next year.
Ms Tzuntzurkas said she hoped to raise $3200 in support of life saving cancer research.
“I had cervical cancer when I was 25 and survived thanks to the quick diagnosis and treatment given by my doctors,” Ms Tzuntzurkas said.
“This diagnosis and treatment would not have been available except for the research that was done by organisations such as the Peter MacCallum Institute.
But it is the memory of family members that have suffered from cancer that is really motivating Ms Tzuntzurkas.
“Sadly, earlier this year I lost an uncle to bowel cancer, to see the suffering, not only his but of his family, was heart wrenching,” she said.
“My maternal grandfather died of cancer when I was 16 and I lost another uncle to lung cancer two years ago. I have had aunts that have survived breast cancer in the past 10 years or so.
“By participating in events such as this I walk with the knowledge that the money I raise goes to helping sufferers and their families and eventually, hopefully in my lifetime, we will find a complete cure for all cancers.”
To contribute to Lisa’s personal fundraising goal visit click on the green donate button and then search for Lisa Tzuntzurkas.

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