Fine parking disgrace

HUNDREDS of people have been caught parking illegally in disabled car parks in Wyndham, new figures reveal.
A Star investigation has found that 309 fines were issued in 2011 by Wyndham Council parking officers.
Each fine costs $122, resulting in overall fines of about $38,000 in fines were issued throughout the year.
Chief executive of disability service provider Scope, Jennifer Fitzgerald, said taking a disabled parking spot meant more than some residents might realise.
“It is essential for our community to understand that misusing accessible spots limits access to our community for people with a disability,” Ms Fitzgerald said.
“Too frequently people with a disability find it difficult to find parking, as members of the community are misusing the accessible spots.
“It is really important that people with a disability who need to use accessible car parking spaces can, and that they are not being misused by other members of the community.”
Werribee resident Michael White, who has mobility issues, said he was sick of people being too lazy to find a suitable parking spot.
“It’s just selfish. You wouldn’t get around on a scooter just because it’s easier so why taking a disabled (parking) spot,” Mr White said.
“You see them jump out of their car with ease and you think, have a heart.”

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