Hope for fatality free Christmas

By Charlene Gatt
FOOTSCRAY Police have made their Christmas wish: for a fatality free season on our roads.
The police are ramping up efforts to improve road safety in the lead-up to Christmas, with officers from the Maribyrnong Highway Patrol and uniform units supporting the nation-wide Operation RAID (Remove All Impaired Drivers), which aims to take any motorist under the influence of drugs and alcohol off the road.
More than 529 breath tests have been conducted within the municipality so far, all of which have come back negative.
Six motorists were caught using hand-held mobiles while driving, three were caught disobeying road signs or rules, two were caught speeding at more than 25km/h over the limit and two drivers were caught speeding between 10 to 25km/h over the limit.
Meanwhile, a recent traffic-focussed operation over November detected 33 unregistered vehicles, 12 disqualified or suspended drivers, 20 unlicensed drivers and 31 unregistered vehicles. The Sheriffs Office executed more than 660 warrants to a value over $190,000.

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