Manche finds her way

Isabelle Manche will compete in the Shepparton Half Ironman event next month. 106172 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


MOST people find it hard just to juggle their studies with a busy work schedule, let alone maintain the rigid training routines required to be an elite triathlete.
But, somehow, Isabelle Manche finds a way.
If the 21-year-old Werribee resident isn’t working away to earn a living or sitting in a classroom, you’ll likely find her in the water, on the bike or on foot – with not much time to do much else.
“I probably don’t have the biggest social life,” she admits.
A typical day for Manche usually begins at 4am, where three times a week she’ll go for a swim before going to university.
But before her first class, Manche will usually go for a run before arguably the biggest challenge of her day, which is to simply stay awake through six hours of classes.
Somewhere wedged within Manche’s week are a couple of three-hour bike rides and a weekend that requires her to stay on feet at work.
“Going to work and standing for at least four hours is sometimes a challenge because your legs get pretty tired and the same goes for Saturday and Sunday,” Manche explained.
“You work from nine to five and have a two-hour run in the morning and then trying to stand up and stay awake and be fresh for the customers, as well as trying to get assignments in – I’ve definitely become a lot better at that.
“Time management is really important, and now I’m in third year at uni – it’s just about being efficient and doing what needs to get done.”
Manche’s journey began a far cry from the rigours of triathlon, growing up a serious soccer player before injury forced her to hang up the boots.
“I actually got into the sport almost by accident,” Manche said.
“I used to play soccer really competitively and actually suffered a really bad (knee) injury and the physio who I had to see for about 12 months said I could start swimming, start jumping on the bike and then try running.
“Then she suggested I have a go at triathlon, so I had a go at a really small one and just fell in love.
“It was just brilliant and almost as though it was meant to happen.”
Manche is currently training for November’s Shepparton Half Ironman, where she will complete a 1.9km swim, a 90km bike ride and a 21.1km run.

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