Bird man of Wyndham

Don Rixon with one of his future champion birds. 96585 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


FOR 35 years a Werribee man has been trying to breed the perfect animal, but he admits he will never achieve his ultimate goal.
Don Rixon is the Budgerigar Man, President of the Western Suburbs Budgerigar Society and owner of about 150 of the birds.
After joining the Society in 1980, which was formerly based in Footscray and now operates in Werribee, he has won countless accolades for his budgies.
“It’s just the pretty colours that attracted me originally,” Mr Rixon said.
“It’s very easy to breed budgerigars and look after them but it’s much more difficult to breed the certain features you want.”
One of the highest honours a competitive breeder can hope to achieve is a Diploma, which is awarded by the Budgerigar Council of Victoria (BCV).
Mr Rixon has won this title once in his lifetime with a bird named Kingston after famous racehorse Kingston Town.
“I was very proud when I won that,” he said.
“I couldn’t get my head through the door for about three years.”
The ultimate standard for the perfect bird is set by the BCV, with all breeders attempting to match these standards.
“The perfect budgie has big round head feathers and you won’t be able to see its eyes if you look straight at it,” Mr Rixon said.
“It has to have perfect colours and round spots, evenly spaced.
“No one will ever breed a perfect bird but it is just there for us to dream about.
“Each year the birds are improving so they keep on raising the standards.”
The Western Suburbs Budgerigar Society meets on the third Thursday of every month at the Masonic Hall on the corner of Grieves St and Watton St in Werribee.
For more information call 9741 8902 or 0414 528 643.

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