Roll up, roll up. All the best entertainers from the western suburbs are being called to audition for the WestWaters Hotel & Entertainment Complex first ever talent competition.
Auditions for the ‘Best of the West’ talent competition will be held at WestWaters on Saturday 17 August followed by a grand final on Saturday 21 September.
One of the judges, musician Phil Ceberano, said everyone with a talent should audition.
“It’s never too late to start and never too early to have a go either,” Mr Ceberano said.
Mr Ceberano said he was hoping to see a scope of talents ranging from singers and bands to dancers, jugglers and comedians.
“It’s a great opportunity for anyone who wants to have a crack,” he said.
“There’s lots of talent coming out of the West.”
Mr Ceberano’s advice for anyone thinking of auditioning was “go for it”.
“It’s a really good chance to shine,” Mr Ceberano said.
“If you feel nervous about it that’s a great thing, because nerves mean you want it to be great,” he said.
“The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step and this might very well be the first step for a lot of people.”
The winner of Best of the West will receive a career kick-start package which includes a professional photo shoot and styling session, a session with a marketing and public relations expert who will help publicise the talent and also continued mentoring throughout the year.
Register your interest by 5 August at www.facebook.com/WWHCarolineSprings