Accident central in Sanctuary Lakes

Sanctuary Lakes resident Phil Truslove inspects damage caused by a recent car accident. 83570 Picture: DAMJAN JAVESKISanctuary Lakes resident Phil Truslove inspects damage caused by a recent car accident. 83570 Picture: DAMJAN JAVESKI

A DANGEROUS roundabout in Point Cook coupled with reckless drivers has been blamed for causing seven accidents in just two years.
Sanctuary Lakes resident Phil Truslove lives in a unit right next to the roundabout on the intersection of Sandalwood Lane and Sanctuary Lakes North Boulevard.
Mr Truslove said residents feared for their safety when walking near the roundabout as cars had frequently crashed into nearby houses and the fence of a childcare centre.
One accident where a car crashed into the front of a unit cost the owners more than $25,000 to repair.
Mr Truslove said a guard rail had since been installed but it was currently useless after a car crashed into it leaving it lying on the ground.
“I’ve personally approached VicRoads asking for speed cameras to be installed but apparently we haven’t had enough fatalities to make it enough of a priority,” Mr Truslove said.
“So it sounds like they are waiting for someone to get killed before they’ll do anything.
“At the moment if the same thing happens we haven’t even got a guard rail to protect us because it’s on the ground.”
Acting CEO of Wyndham Council, Bill Forrest, said that the installation of speed bumps had been delayed because of a bus operator.
“Wyndham City is aware of safety concerns around the roundabout at the intersection of Sanctuary
Lakes North Boulevard and Sandalwood Lane in Point Cook,” Mr Forrest said.
“Wyndham City officers are aware that residents are seeking operation of a bus route around
Sanctuary Lakes Boulevard. The bus operator would not support the installation of speed humps
on the route. The bus operators approval of speed treatments is now required under the Transport
Integration Act 2010.”
Mr Forrest said driver behaviour was to blame for the majority of the accidents in the area.
“From the information available to Wyndham City it appears driver behaviour is contributing strongly to this issue, rather than road design. We are working with the Police to enforce speed limits in this area,” he said.

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