Safety for cyclists

Truganina resident Joh Bauch wants safety for cyclists in Wyndham improved. 83706 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKITruganina resident Joh Bauch wants safety for cyclists in Wyndham improved. 83706 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

A TRUGANINA cyclist has called for more funding to improve the area’s roads as a matter of safety.
Joh Bauch moved to Truganina two years ago from St Kilda where he said the safety and importance of cyclists was taken more seriously.
“I used to live in St Kilda so I just got used to riding a bike everywhere,” Mr Bauch said.
“Pretty much anywhere you go there is a bike path and you always feel pretty safe.”
But since moving to Truganina, a decision he does not regret, Mr Bauch said the bike lanes along busy roads like Leakes Rd were often scary to use.
“You’ll have a bike lane but then it just disappears after an intersection so that the cars that are going straight take up the whole left lane, including what should be a bike lane,” he said.
“It’s like playing Russian roulette. It is dangerous and you’re playing with death pretty much.”
Mr Bauch said while more houses and estates have been developed in the area, the roads their substandard bike lanes had not been improved.
“Outside our house we had six months where there was no street sign,” he said.
“Here (Wyndham) you’ve really got to speak up or nothing will get done.
“It’s left to the public to say something.”
With Wyndham’s roads struggling with increased traffic, Mr Bauch said the Wyndham Council and State Government should be encouraging more people to ride bikes.
“I’m trying to advocate for more people to ride their bikes but if someone gets injured because of the bike lanes then I’ll feel really bad,” he said.
“If it’s not safe enough then I can’t see many people deciding to ride bikes.”

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