Lo and behold – it’s a fashion store

By Charlene Gatt
THEY’RE two women from the West keen to bring high fashion to Yarraville.
Lisa Cameron, 29, and Odette Barry, 26, are the brains behind Lo & Behold, a new clothing store stocking local and international brands right in the heart of Anderson St.
The pair first met when Lisa gave Odette her first job at Boost Juice when she was 16.
“We had a working relationship initially and became friends,” Ms Barry said.
“A few years ago, we decided that we’d like to open a new business together and we love the West – I grew up in Williamstown and Lisa’s building a house in Kingsville.
“There’s a few really good quality shops in Yarraville and we wanted to be part of that.”
Ms Barry describes the Lo & Behold range as affordable, easy-to-wear fashion.
“We’ve had a really warm reception from the local community, we’ve had so many friendly faces coming in and introducing themselves. We’re a bit overwhelmed by how friendly everyone’s been.”
The pair will open an online shop to complement the store by the end of September.

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