WERRIBEE Primary School students put their own sweet touch to fundraising last week at their Ice-Cream Stall fundraiser.
Students from Prep and combined 3/4 classes joined forces to hold an ice-cream stall, for the second time this year, to raise money for families in need at Christmas.
All money raised at the ice-cream stalls were used by students last week to go on a toy shopping spree to buy toys and gifts for less fortunate children at Christmas.
Teacher Ms Linda Perkins was proud of the students who raised $2000 this year.
“They absolutely love it, they really enjoy the thrill of organising something,” Ms Perkins said.
The school’s fundraiser, which is in its fourth year, sees the collaboration of the school with Toyworld in Hoppers Crossing, where the students receive discounts to buy the toys which are then donated to the Uniting Church.
“The students are very excited and just love to buy the toys which we then donate to the Uniting Church,” Ms Perkins said.
“It’s a fabulous civic lesson for our students and the Church is very grateful for the donation,” she said.
“Last year, before our presentation to them at our toy assembly, they had run out of presents. They actually had to turn people away however because of our stall they were able to re-contact families and offer a helping hand.”
A sea of colourful and cool toys filled the assembly stage on Monday when the students presented the toys to the Church representatives.
“We’ve always been a very generous school, even though some of our families don’t have much themselves they are always willing to pitch in and help out someone less fortunate,” Ms Perkins said.