Become a volunteer

WYNDHAM residents that love to get out and about in the community while helping others are being encouraged to become volunteers.
The Wyndham Council Volunteer Program information booklet details the broad range of volunteering opportunities on offer through Wyndham City.
Councillor Glenn Goodfellow said volunteering is not only personally rewarding, but it also helps make a difference to others and to the wider community.
“More than six million Australians volunteer every year performing a huge range of tasks and they play an essential role in our society,” Cr Goodfellow said.
“People volunteer for many reasons and in many different ways. Some use volunteering as a way to gain new skills and others use it as a way to meet new people, make new friends or to try something new or different.”
For more information on volunteer opportunities in Wyndham or a copy of the booklet, visit, phone Wyndham Council’s Volunteer Recruitment Officer Sally Cooke on 9742 8138 or email

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