Heat on muscle wastage

HOT baths and cosy blankets just might be the trick to keeping people tough as they get older.
Victoria University exercise physiology expert Dr Aaron Petersen believes heat blanket therapy may help prevent muscle wastage as people age and had already been shown to increase muscle gains in men undergoing strength training.
“Typically, heat therapy involves heating the muscles for up to 60 minutes before, during or after each workout and should be done two to three times per week,” Dr Petersen said.
Dr Petersen is now investigating the effectiveness of heat treatment combined with resistance exercise for enhancing muscle mass or halting muscle wasting in the elderly.
He said age-related muscle wasting affected nearly one in four adults over 65 years old and is the largest determinant of falls and immobility in the elderly.
Dr Petersen and his team are now seeking participants for a research project.
The study will involve a single weight lifting workout with a hot bath before and after.
Blood samples and muscle biopsy samples will also be taken before and after the workout.
Participants must be 65 to 80 years old and capable of doing moderate weight lifting exercises with their legs.
To participate contact Dr Petersen on 9919 9452 or Aaron.Petersen@vu.edu.au.

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